Tummy Tuck Failure

The tummy tuck is normally one of the most fulfilling types of cosmetic procedures performed in the field of cosmetic surgery due to its dramatic transformative effect. At the same time, not every patient is satisfied with the outcome of their procedure. In such cases, a patient might need to undergo a revision procedure to […]
Pregnant Bellies After Tummy Tuck

Although women are advised not to get a tummy tuck until they have children, it can still happen. If you are pregnant or planning to become pregnant after a tummy tuck, you are probably wondering what effect your tummy tuck may have on your pregnancy, as well as what impact your pregnancy may have on […]
Lower Body Lift vs Tummy Tuck

Having a flat, firm abdomen is a hallmark of physical beauty. Having a personalized tummy tuck procedure performed on your body will go a long way in helping enhance the shape of your abdomen for years to come. However, whenever you consider undergoing any cosmetic procedure, it is essential to view your treatment options to […]
Sex After a Tummy Tuck

If you are worried about how you will appear, you may want to consider undergoing a tummy tuck procedure to remove loose skin and fat, as well as to tighten your abdominal muscles. A tummy tuck can work wonders in reshaping your abdomen so that you reset your body to how it appeared before your […]
The Risks of Pregnancy After a Tummy Tuck

Thousands of women undergo tummy tuck procedures every year. Some of them will have babies later on. These women are often curious about how their pregnancies may affect their tummy tuck results. Although becoming pregnant following a tummy tuck procedure may seem like a complex decision, many women choose to become pregnant again following their […]
‘Dog Ears’ After a Tummy Tuck

Although the term evokes images of parts of an adorable household pet, ‘dog ears’ are an undesirable side effect that sometimes occurs after wounds are surgically closed. Although dog ears can happen after any surgery, they are found most often after a tummy tuck procedure in the world of cosmetic surgery. What causes dog ears […]
Tummy Tuck Necrosis

The tummy tuck procedure has helped millions of people enhance their body contours after experiences like pregnancy or extreme weight loss. But any surgery, even cosmetic procedures, involves some degree of risk. When it comes to the tummy tuck, a side effect called necrosis can sometimes result in complications. The word “necrosis” means cell death, […]
Tummy Tuck and Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL) Combination

Suppose your body looks less than its best because of a recent pregnancy or significant weight fluctuations. In that case, you will probably be looking into your cosmetic surgery options so that you can return to the way that you looked before. Many women choose to combine a tummy tuck procedure with a so-called Brazilian […]
Mini Tummy Tuck vs. Full

What is a tummy tuck and why might you need one? A tummy tuck is a surgical procedure performed by a plastic surgeon. During the surgery, the physician removes excess fat and skin within the abdomen. They also suture the abdominal muscles together, creating a firm abdominal wall. Your doctor may also perform liposuction to […]