Transaxillary breast augmentation Miami
Breast Augmentation Miami is a clinically approved cosmetic procedure to increase breast size. The surgery involves placing breast implants under the tissues or muscles in your chest.
Breast augmentation is an excellent procedure for women to improve their breasts’ appearance and showcase their feminine beauty. Thus, it enhances a woman’s self-esteem and self-confidence. However, today’s article will discuss transaxillary breast augmentation. Read on!
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What is Transaxillary breast augmentation?
According to our board-certified and professional cosmetic surgeon in Miami, transaxillary breast augmentation is a minimally invasive procedure that requires the surgeon to make a small incision of 1.5 inches in length. The surgeon makes the incision in the crease of the armpit.
The purpose is to avoid disrupting the external breast tissue. Because transaxillary breast augmentation is a minimally invasive approach, postoperative scarring is minimal and barely noticeable.
Research studies show that transaxillary breast augmentation is a complex procedure, meaning a qualified, board-certified with years of experience and extensive skills can carry out the procedure.

Benefits of transaxillary breast augmentation
There are numerous benefits of transaxillary breast augmentation. These include no surgical scars on your breasts, reduced keloid scarring in the armpit, and hidden incisions in the armpit with low or no visibility.
Similarly, transaxillary breast augmentation reduces the risk of complications, such as infections, inflammation, and capsular contracture. The procedure does not harm milk ducts and nerves due to no incisions around nipples or areolas.
In addition, transaxillary breast augmentation reduces the risk of rippling wrinkling. It also has a shorter recovery period with faster healing, making transaxillary breast augmentation a viable option for women.
Recovery after transaxillary breast augmentation
Follow your doctor’s instructions when you arrive home after the surgery. It is crucial to avoid strenuous activities and rest according to your health provider’s guidelines. More rest means quick recovery. However, more rest does not mean lying in bed throughout the day.
It is crucial to take shorter walks within your room or from one room to another to increase blood circulation. That way, you can speed up the healing process, minimize the risk of scars, and prevent fat necrosis. The average recovery period for transaxillary breast augmentation is four to six weeks.
Tenderness, numbness, and soreness are normal. You can manage these symptoms with prescription pain-relieving medications and anti-inflammatory drugs. Keep in mind that postoperative discomfort and pain elevate for 2-3 days after the surgery.
Moreover, when you arrive home, remove the bandages and wear a compression garment. Continue wearing the compression garment until you meet your health provider. However, you can remove it for a short time when taking a shower.
Transaxillary breast augmentation pros and cons
The primary benefit of transaxillary breast augmentation is that the incision made by the surgeon is barely visible because the armpit hides the view. In addition, the recovery period for transaxillary breast augmentation is faster than traditional breast surgery in Miami.
You can wear any kind of undergarments, bathing suits, and tops without worrying about visible scarring because there are no incisions on the breasts. Our board-certified surgeon in Miami makes the incision as tiny as possible to ensure the scar fades with time.
On the other hand, transaxillary breast augmentation has a few downsides. First, the procedure requires the surgeon to use a saline-based breast implant. If you want to use silicone implants, the surgeon will make a different incision.
Besides, cosmetic surgeons have less control over the breast implant’s position when performing transaxillary breast augmentation. So, many surgeons find it challenging to place the implant under the patient’s pectoral muscle.
The good news is that you can rely on our board-certified surgeon for transaxillary breast augmentation. Our surgeon has years of experience and extensive knowledge of this procedure to ensure they place the implant under the pectoral muscle without any issues.
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Transaxillary breast augmentation cost in Miami
The average cost of transaxillary breast augmentation is between $3,000 and $5,000.
What to do Next?
Our board-certified and skilled plastic surgeons can carry out transaxillary breast augmentation with accuracy and precision, reducing the risk of complications and allowing women to achieve their cosmetic goals.
Call us between 9:00 AM and 5:00 PM Monday to Friday if you need more information about transaxillary breast augmentation or want to schedule a consultation with our surgeon.
Meet Your Plastic Surgeon
Dr. Mario Reyes MD
Dr. Ernesto Torres
Dr. Richard Lung
Frequently Asked Questions
What are Transaxillary breast augmentation scars?
Although transaxillary breast augmentation produces scars, they are minimal, smaller, and barely visible. The scar formed is almost invisible because the surgeon makes an incision in the depth of your armpit.
What is a transaxillary incision?
A surgeon makes a transaxillary incision in the patient’s armpit to create a channel to the breast. Once done, the surgeon creates a pocket behind the breast to insert the implant.
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Monday - Friday: 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM