Woman with Rash After Breast Augmentation

Rash After Breast Augmentation

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Itchiness, tingling, and rash after breast augmentation are side effects that most women forget to consider before undergoing the procedure. The problem occurs around the incision site. Although most women find it tempting to scratch or rub the incision area, we recommend avoiding it because touching the surgical site can cause bacterial infections and rash. 

In addition, it increases the wound contamination and manipulates the incision area or surrounding tissues, causing the stitches to re-open. Remember, torn stitches, re-opened incisions, or bacterial infections can lead to visible scars and increase the risk of rash

Possible Reasons for Rash After Breast Augmentation

Here are some reasons why someone may experience a rash after breast augmentation:

  1. Reaction to anesthesia or medication used during surgery
  2. Allergic reaction to surgical dressings or adhesive tapes used to secure bandages
  3. Allergic reaction to surgical gloves, cleaning solutions, or disinfectants used during surgery
  4. Irritation caused by the surgical bra or compression garment
  5. Reaction to topical creams or ointments applied to the incision sites
  6. Infection at the incision sites
  7. Reaction to the material used in the breast implants
  8. Allergic reaction to the sutures or surgical staples used to close the incision sites
  9. Excessive sweating or poor hygiene in the area after the surgery
  10. Heat rash caused by excessive heat or sweating in the area.

Rash Around Incision After Breast Augmentation

Although the appearance of rash around the incision after the surgery is rare, it occurs when you do not implement or follow hygiene practices recommended by your surgeon. That’s why postoperative care is essential. 

Some studies highlight that rash around the incision following the surgery is due to the Dermabond glue, causing tiny reddish spots or dots on the skin. Similarly, you experience moderate to severe itching, which is sometimes unbearable. The good news is that you can treat the rash using medicated creams or ointments. 

Rash On Chest 2 Weeks After Breast Augmentation

Although it is common to have a slight rash on your chest after breast augmentation, if it does not disappear after two weeks, make sure you seek appropriate treatment by consulting your surgeon or a skin specialist. 

Rash on the chest for a prolonged period is due to the release of histamines to streamline the healing process. Because nerves in the breasts’ area are sensitive and prone to sensations, histamines cause natural allergic reactions and lead to rash formation. 

Moreover, if you notice a rash underneath your breasts, consult your surgeon immediately for a thorough exam to determine the cause and seek appropriate treatment. Another reason a rash develops two weeks after breast augmentation is because your incisions and soft tissues are still healing. 

Because you are still in recovery, it is impossible to determine the exact cause of the discomfort, tingling sensations, or rash. Your surgeon can find the cause of this problem by performing several diagnostic tests. Again, keep in mind that this issue occurs rarely. 

Pimple Like Rash After Breast Augmentation

Research studies show that nerve endings passing through the breasts go to the sebaceous glands in your chest’s skin. So, these are the same nerve endings, and because implants interrupt these nerves on the chest wall, the nerve endings may not reach or send signals to the sebaceous glands. 

As a result, your body’s natural reaction produces a pimple-like rash. In addition, sebaceous glands undergo changes or injuries after a breast augmentation procedure.

Sometimes, these glands stop working and cause a dry, itchy, red, and pimple-like skin rash. Therefore, choosing a qualified plastic surgeon with board-certification and years of experience is critical to avoid these complications. 

Heat Rash After Breast Augmentation

Heat rash affects women with breast implants due to hot, humid weather conditions. The rash develops when your skin has blocked sweat ducts or pores, preventing proper perspiration. 

Because your skin does not breathe due to a tight bra or humid weather conditions, the result is a heat rash with red lumps and superficial blisters. Therefore, it is crucial to wear a breathable sports bra and maintain optimal room temperatures. 

Goosebump Like Rash After Breast Augmentation

Goosebumps like rash occur when ducts or pores fail to perspire appropriately. While some women experience fluid-filled blisters with reddish bumps, others may feel like having goosebump-like areas on the skin. 

After breast augmentation, the primary causes of this rash are a too-tight bra, chest strap, shirt, lack of hygiene, and hot, humid room conditions. You can relieve goosebumps-like rash by applying a cold compress, wearing a breathable sports bra, and loose clothing. If these remedies fail to relieve the condition, contact your surgeon. 


What are the signs of infection after breast augmentation?

Infections after breast augmentation are usually triggered by bacteria accumulated on the skin. The common signs of infection are breast pain, redness, itchiness, swelling, and high fever. 

Final Words 

While most women avoid undergoing breast augmentation because of the side effects, bear in mind that these occur rarely and are not frequent. Breast Augmentation Miami, overall, is an excellent cosmetic procedure with a high success rate if performed by a qualified, board-certified surgeon in Miami. Contact us today, and we will happily answer your questions! 

Picture of Dr. John E. Nees, MD

Dr. John E. Nees, MD

Medically reviewed by
Dr. John E. Nees, MD specializes in aesthetic plastic surgery in Miami, FL


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