Transaxillary Breast Augmentation Pros and Cons

Transaxillary Breast Augmentation Pros and Cons

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Transaxillary breast augmentation is an innovative cosmetic procedure that requires the surgeon to make an incision in the armpit and insert a saline implant into the breast. A growing body of research evidence shows that transaxillary breast augmentation is a reliable procedure to improve your bustline’s overall shape and size. 

The purpose is to ensure your breasts showcase your feminine beauty and perfectly align with your body. The surgeon makes an incision in the armpit, meaning it is hidden and because there is no direct incision in the breasts, complications, such as contour irregularities, are minimum to none. 

An ideal candidate for transaxillary breast augmentation has an overall good health status without suffering from chronic medical conditions. Recovery after transaxillary breast augmentation is a more streamlined process with fewer complications.

 So, you can manage the discomfort, bruises, and pain adequately. These side effects go away within 3-5 days. Many women want to know about Transaxillary breast augmentation scars. Remember, this surgery involves an incision of about 1.5 inches in your armpit’s crease. 

Unlike traditional liposuction, which requires the surgeon to direct incision in the breasts, transaxillary breast augmentation does not modify your external breast tissues due to a tiny incision. Therefore, the postoperative scarring is unnoticeable. 


Transaxillary breast augmentation is a reliable and safe procedure, offering a wide range of benefits to women looking to improve their breasts’ shape and size. Here are the most practical advantages of transaxillary breast augmentation. 

Smaller Incisions 

The primary benefit of this procedure is that the incision is hidden from view. For instance, it is not easy for people to notice the incision made in the crease of your armpit. So, this procedure improves your self-confidence and self-esteem while allowing you to achieve your desired breast shape and size. 

In addition, you can wear different clothing, including tops, undergarments, and bathing suits, without worrying about scars’ visibility. If you have any concerns regarding the armpit scar, discuss it with your surgeon to ensure the incision is as small as possible. That way, the scar developed will fade quickly. 

Reliable Cosmetic Results 

Transaxillary breast augmentation produces excellent results for women, giving them improved, fuller, natural, and healthy breasts. The procedure makes your breasts larger, fuller, and perkier. Your breasts will sit higher on your chest, and you will appear more youthful with higher self-confidence. 

No-Risk of Capsular Contracture

Capsular contracture is a significant complication with traditional breast augmentation surgery due to your body’s reaction to the implant. It causes an inflammatory response and leads to fibrosis. 

As a result, you experience increased collagen production, more firmness in your breasts, and severe pain. However, this complication does not occur when you undergo transaxillary breast augmentation. 

Reduced Risk of Infections 

Because the procedure requires the surgeon to make a tiny incision, the surgical site does not have direct contact with the breast tissue, reducing the likelihood of bacterial contamination. 

At the same time, it decreases the risk of capsular contracture. You won’t experience nipple sensation and discomfort because the incision location is away from the nerves passing through the nipple area. 


Although transaxillary breast augmentation is a sophisticated procedure with numerous benefits, it also has a few downsides. However, these disadvantages have little to do with postoperative recovery. 

Only Saline Implants 

The surgeon can’t use implants other than saline ones. Because the surgeon makes a tiny incision in the crease of your armpit, it is impossible to use other implants. That’s why saline implants are the only option. 

However, if you want silicone implants, your surgeon will use another incision method during the surgery. So, the limited implant options are a bit disconcerting for most patients. 

Less Control Over the Implant 

In addition to implant limitations, the surgeon has less control over the implant positioning and placement during the surgery. So, this can cause a few complications during the rehabilitation period, especially if you want larger implants. Remember, choosing a qualified and board-certified surgeon is essential to achieving your desired results. 

What to Do Next? 

If you need more information on transaxillary breast augmentation or want to schedule an appointment with our board-certified surgeon in Miami, call us between 9:00 AM and 5:00 PM Monday to Friday. Our team at Moon Plastic Surgery, Miami, will happily answer all your questions. Until Next Time! 

Picture of Dr. John E. Nees, MD

Dr. John E. Nees, MD

Medically reviewed by
Dr. John E. Nees, MD specializes in aesthetic plastic surgery in Miami, FL


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